Posted by: oceanadvocate | August 12, 2010

Tell It Like It Is!

Howdy ladies and gentlemen, boy’s and girl’s, to the official opening day of my new site and my first blog.  Please, first of all, take a few minutes and check out what the project is about, what we plan to do,  why it matters to us,  and why it SHOULD matter to you!   And now, for the record…,

I will be writing about issues that pertain mostly to California’s coastal water quality issues.  However; I may also address  matters outside of our jurisdiction and geographical locations as I see fit.   I should also mention that the views expressed on this site are my own and I am personally and solely responsible for the content herein.

Furthermore,  I hereby swear to not hold back in any way, shape, or form, from naming names of any individuals, elected officials,  groups  or organizations that are (willfully or otherwise: ignorance is NOT bliss here) responsible for, and or support in any way, any pollution or destruction of any coastal marshes, grasslands, habitats or waterways. Hell, let’s just say; anybody who pollutes and I hear about it will be called out for it. nuff’ said.

I really do hope to make a difference in people’s lives and the future of our planet.   My goal , really,  is to make enough of us think about the health of our coastal waters and the health and well-being of our oceans in general.  If I can just help to educate enough people to consider the fact that we are all polluters to some degree, and we all share in the collective responsibility to clean up our acts;  THEN I will feel like I’m doing my job.


  1. Hello Tim,
    and “Thank you” for the refreshing “tell all” site. I commend you highly. You have my full support. It is not often that people like you, who care enough to be a part of the solution receives the kudos they deserve. Yet still you move forward with diligence and hard work. Determined not to let anyone or anything get in your way. You are one of a “rare breed” . I am certain you will accomplish your goals because you don’t know the meaning of the word “quit” and this project is far too, important. “Thank you” for being the caring individual you are..
    Kathy L. Carrillo
    Marine Conservationist

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